Talkin’ Tushes

Talkin’ Tushes

Talkin’ Tushes

The Cape Atlantic Coalition for Health at Shore Medical Center launched this year a Colon Cancer initiative named, TALKIN’ TUSHES. This Colorectal Cancer prevention and screening workshop is focused on the historically Black churches of Atlantic and Cape May Counties. Colon Cancer is the ONLY cancer that is 90% preventable when it is caught early. Only 40% of cases are being diagnosed during this window.

TALKIN’ TUSHES was inspired by the focus group project done by the Cape Atlantic Coalition for Health at Shore Medical Center (SMC). Our focus group occurred in a rural, historically black church in Atlantic County, New Jersey. A key takeaway highlighted the lack of trust of the medical community, over the church community family. While working on creating a statewide report with other NJ State Cancer Coalition focus groups, it seemed to show the lack of trust and comfort is not just in one church.

Colorectal cancer disproportionately affects the African-American community. In general, they have the highest rate of colon cancer than any racial/ethnic group in the United States. African Americans are about 20% more likely to get Colorectal Cancer and about 40% more likely to die from it than other ethnic groups.

After some initial research, a plan was formed and Talkin’ Tushes was created, focusing on Colon Cancer Education and Screening brought directly to these historically Black faith-based communities. A grant was written to the Colon Cancer Coalition and we were generously awarded funds to cover the cost of a Fecal Occult Blood Test (FOBT) kit, postage for return of kits, and processing by Shore’s lab.

Dr. Carmen Guerra of Carmen E. Guerra, M.D., M.S.C.E., F.A.C.P., a Ruth C. and Raymond G. Perelman Associate Professor, Vice Chair of Diversity and Inclusion, Department of Medicine, Associate Director of Diversity and Outreach, Abramson Cancer Center at the University of Pennsylvania, agreed to be a program advisor and the prescribing physician for this initiative.

We have had positive feedback from participants and churches. We have been asked to return next year or with other projects. This initiative goes beyond just the education and screening component, it also is building positive connections and relationships within these faith-based communities. We already had other outreach events with our new community friends. We’re looking forward to more collaboration within these communities. 

If you would like to host TALKIN’ TUSHES at your church please call 609-653-3923. We would like to have a minimum of 25 participants, ages 45-75 years old, who have not had a Colon screening in the last year (or ever). We would also provide event flyers and registration forms, the day of the event we will supply food and drinks, giveaway bags with helpful tips, and some other goodies inside.

A Bit About the Coalition

Cape Atlantic Coalition for Health is a regional chronic disease prevention coalition funded by the New Jersey Department of Health, Office of Cancer Control and Prevention. Our purpose is to reduce the state's cancer burden and improve health outcomes for people with, or at risk for, cancer and other chronic diseases in Atlantic and Cape may counties. For more information on comprehensive cancer control, visit Shore Medical Center is the lead agency for Atlantic and Cape May counties. The CACH is working on a variety of projects to improve our community's health. You can help by becoming involved by being a member or volunteer. Anyone interested should call 609-653-3923.