About Us



The Cape Atlantic Coalition for Health is dedicated to improving health outcomes while reducing the chronic disease burden for the Cape Atlantic Region by using effective evidence-based strategies and programs.


  • Engage healthcare providers and the general public to partner on evidence/practice based community-clinical interventions to reduce chronic disease.
  • Implement effective policy, system and environmental changes to improve public health.
  • Enact the New Jersey Comprehensive Cancer Control Plan in Atlantic and Cape May County.


The coalitions are an initiative by the New Jersey Department of Health, Office of Cancer Control and Prevention. The coalitions were developed in 2004 in each county after a needs assessment was completed for each county. The county coalitions were charged with enacting the New Jersey Comprehensive Cancer Control Plan at the local level and focused predominately on Cancer Prevention and Early Detection initiatives. In 2012, the county coalitions were merged into regional chronic disease coalitions. There are ten coalitions in New Jersey in which every county is represented. The focus continues on cancer projects to reduce cancer burden, but also includes other chronic diseases and highlights healthy lifestyle behaviors. In the summer of 2012, Atlantic County for Healthy Living Coalition and Cape May Chronic Illness Coalition merged together to form the Cape Atlantic Coalition for Health.

Coalition Membership 

The coalition is made up of a variety of members throughout Atlantic and Cape May County. Many of our members are health professionals from health departments and hospitals to hospices and community organizations, the coalition is open to the general public as well. There are many projects that community members can be involved in and make a difference in their community.

The purpose of a coalition is to get many people to come together and make a difference in our neighborhoods, our homes and community. We encourage members to bring their projects to the table as the coalition can help members with their projects too.

You can help by becoming involved by being a member or volunteer. Anyone interested should call 609-653-3923.

Contact Us

The Cape Atlantic Coalition for Health may be contacted by phone or by mail. We are happy to receive your input and will respond to any questions to the best of our ability as soon as possible. Thank you for choosing to contact the Cape Atlantic Coalition for Health.

Shore Medical Center
Attention: Cape Atlantic Coalition for Health

Stacy Fisher
100 Medical Center Way
Somers Point, NJ 08244 Phone: 609-653-3923
Email:  stacy.fisher@shoremedicalcenter.org.

Cape Atlantic Coalition for Health is a regional chronic disease prevention coalition funded by the New Jersey Department of Health, Office of Cancer Control and Prevention. Our purpose is to reduce the state’s cancer burden and improve health outcomes for people with, or at risk for cancer and other chronic diseases in Atlantic and Cape May counties. For more information on Comprehensive Cancer Control visit the Office of Cancer Control and Prevention. Shore Medical Center is lead agency for Atlantic and Cape May Counties.

A Bit About the Coalition

Cape Atlantic Coalition for Health is a regional chronic disease prevention coalition funded by the New Jersey Department of Health, Office of Cancer Control and Prevention. Our purpose is to reduce the state's cancer burden and improve health outcomes for people with, or at risk for, cancer and other chronic diseases in Atlantic and Cape may counties. For more information on comprehensive cancer control, visit www.njcancer.gov. Shore Medical Center is the lead agency for Atlantic and Cape May counties. The CACH is working on a variety of projects to improve our community's health. You can help by becoming involved by being a member or volunteer. Anyone interested should call 609-653-3923.