Under 50? Don’t ignore Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month

Under 50? Don’t ignore Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month

March is Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month and there’s good and bad news when it comes to the third most common cancer diagnosed in the U.S. Overall, the rate of colon or rectal (colorectal) cancer has steadily decreased over the past couple of decades — except for younger adults.

In fact, according to a new American Cancer Society (ACS) study, the number of people under 55 newly diagnosed with colorectal cancer has nearly doubled since 1995 despite this age group shrinking in the overall population by more than 10%.

That’s why both ACS and the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force have issued new recommendations for people at average risk of colorectal cancer to start regular screening at age 45. This can be done either with a sensitive test that looks for signs of cancer in a person’s stool (a stool-based test), or with an exam that looks at the colon and rectum called a colonoscopy. Individuals with a family history of colorectal cancer may need to undergo screening at age 40 or even earlier.

Screening early is key to successful treatment

During Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month, UC Davis Comprehensive Cancer Center is urging people who may have delayed colonoscopies during the pandemic to get their screenings back on track. The best way to treat colorectal cancer is to catch it early.

“Fortunately, the new screening guidelines and the wide adoption of colonoscopies is saving lives,” UC Davis colorectal surgeon Erik Noren said. “We are more successful than ever at treating colorectal cancer both as a result of advances in treatment and because we are finding it when it is at an earlier stage.”

Fortunately, the new screening guidelines and the wide adoption of colonoscopies is saving lives.”—Erik Noren, UC Davis colorectal surgeon

Why are younger adults getting more colorectal cancer?

Colorectal surgeon Erik Noren said numerous factors add to the rise of colorectal cancer in the under 50 age group. Genetics plays a role for some patients. Diet could be a factor — due to the amount of processed food consumed and the tempting low-fiber, high-fat meals readily available. However, chemicals in the environment could also be a cause. More research is needed to see what is driving the spike in colorectal cancer rates in young adults, he said.

“We are unsure what specifically is causing more younger adults to get colorectal cancer, but I can tell you that the number of patients I’m seeing under the age of 50 is certainly increasing,” Noren said. “We’re even seeing some patients under the age of 40.”

Proof that colon cancer can strike early

Recently, Noren performed a colorectal cancer surgery on a 37-year-old mother of three from the Shasta County town of Cottonwood who was shocked when she received her diagnosis.

Patient Alisha Knudsen in hospital bed
Colon cancer patient Alisha Knudsen resting at UC Davis Medical Center following surgery in January 2023.

“Never in a million years did I think I would face colon cancer at my age,” Alisha Knudsen said. “There is no colon cancer in my family. I’m otherwise healthy and don’t eat junk food.”

Knudsen’s husband, a local pastor, rushed her to their local hospital in pain last year. When she was discharged without a firm diagnosis, her sister, a UC Davis Health nurse, urged her to get a colonoscopy at a clinic in Redding.

“Because of my young age, the gastroenterologist questioned why I was getting the screening,” Knudsen said. “He quickly changed his opinion when he was unable to complete the colonoscopy due to the discovery of a large tumor.”

Knudsen was diagnosed with stage IIIA colon cancer and underwent emergency surgery at UC Davis the following week.

“This is not the path I’ve chosen, but it is the path I’m on,” she said. She explained that she hoped telling her story encourages others to get checked, if they have symptoms.

What are the symptoms of colorectal cancer?

  • A change in bowel habits
  • A feeling that you need to have a bowel movement that’s not relieved by having one
  • Rectal bleeding with bright red blood
  • Blood in the stool, which might make the stool look dark brown or black
  • Cramping or abdominal pain
  • Weakness and fatigue

A Bit About the Coalition

Cape Atlantic Coalition for Health is a regional chronic disease prevention coalition funded by the New Jersey Department of Health, Office of Cancer Control and Prevention. Our purpose is to reduce the state's cancer burden and improve health outcomes for people with, or at risk for, cancer and other chronic diseases in Atlantic and Cape may counties. For more information on comprehensive cancer control, visit www.njcancer.gov. Shore Medical Center is the lead agency for Atlantic and Cape May counties. The CACH is working on a variety of projects to improve our community's health. You can help by becoming involved by being a member or volunteer. Anyone interested should call 609-653-3923.