Screening people at high risk for lung cancer can reduce deaths by finding lung cancer at an early stage, when treatment is more effective. Click to read more about how to lower the risk of lung cancer for patients.
Survivors and Flu Shots
The only respiratory virus that is preventable by vaccination is influenza. Without vaccination, people with cancer are more likely to experience serious flu complications. Learn more about flu vaccines and how they affect cancer patients by clicking here.
Breast Cancer in Men
Men can develop breast cancer, despite the rarity. Learn about the signs of male breast cancer and factors that could raise your risk.
Breast Cancer Awareness Month
October is breast cancer awareness month and many factors over a course of a lifetime can influence your breast cancer risk. Click to learn how to reduce your risk of breast cancer.
Survivors…Physical Activity
It’s important to encourage cancer patients and survivors to stay as active as possible. This article talks about how to prevent infections, how to stay healthy, and more.
Prostate Cancer Awareness Month
The most typical non-skin cancer in males is prostate cancer, which is also the second highest cause of cancer death in men, after lung cancer. To read more, click here.
Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month
We pay tribute to the bravery of those who have been affected by ovarian cancer during National Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month and reaffirm our commitment to fighting this disease that claims the lives of far too many women. Click here to read about ovarian cancer.
Survivors…Common Emotions
There isn’t a single, “correct,” way to feel following cancer therapy. Experiences vary from person to person. However, there are some typical feelings and coping mechanisms for them.
Summer Isn’t Over Yet
Even if summer is coming to an end, we shouldn’t begin to neglect sun protection. Even into September, it can be necessary to use sun protection. For some helpful advice on sun safety, click here.
Screening for Cancer
Before you experience symptoms, a screening involves examining your body for cancer. Regular screenings can detect breast, cervical, and colorectal (colon) cancers early, when treatment is most likely to be successful.