It hard to imagine using tobacco after fighting cancer, but tobacco is a difficult habit to break. In this months post learn more on tobacco after cancer.
Prostate Cancer Awareness Month
September is prostate cancer awareness month. Do you know about prostate cancer screening?
Physical Activity and Seniors
A healthy body needs physical activity. If you have gotten out of the habit take a look at how you can bring healthy movement back into your lifestyle.
Survivors… Obesity
Cancer survivors struggle with weight issues just like everyone else. In this months post learn more on obesity after cancer.
Prevent Cancer – HPV Vaccines
As children get ready to go back to school being up to date with checkups and vaccines are a priority. Make the HPV vaccine one too and prevent cancer in children.
Summer Foods
Summer = great fruits and vegetables. Make sure to use nature’s foods to keep weight in check.
Survivors… Physical Health
Staying active and healthy is important no matter where you are in your cancer trajectory. See how caregivers can help in this month’s post.
Sun Safety and Seniors
We have a tendency to make sure children wear their sunscreen, but it is important at all ages.
Survivors… Cancer Survivorship
June is National Cancer Survivor Month. As more and more people survive cancer there is an increased awareness on the importance of care after cancer.
Prostate Health
As Father’s Day arrives this month we often think of men’s health. Learn more about prostate and prostate cancer screening.