Getting sunburns when we are young increase our risk of skin cancer later in life. How do we protect our children?
Skin Cancer Awareness
As we start the summer up it is important to revamp our knowledge on skin cancer. Check this out during skin cancer awareness month.
Bring Your Brave…
Learn more about genetic testing and the importance of knowing your family history, especially when concerning ovarian and breast cancer.
Bladder Basics
May is bladder cancer awareness month. NJ has some of the highest rates. Take a look at the risk factors, and the signs and symptoms.
Smokeless Does NOT mean Harmless
Learn about smokeless tobacco. The history of the marketing about this harmful product.
Cancer and Tobacco use
Tobacco use is the leading, preventable cause of cancer and cancer deaths.
Coronavirus Disease 2019 Information
Stay home and stay safe! Keep up to date by following CDC’s guidelines.
How to Use Fruits and Vegetables to Manage Your Weight
Diets rich in fruits and vegetables may reduce the risk of some types of cancer and other chronic diseases.
March is Colorectal Awareness Month…
Colorectal cancer screening can save lives. If you are 45 and over check this article out.
GI Health Fair …. March 27th
Join Shore Medical Center for a Fun Family Event to Celebrate GI Health with a special interactive 12-foot inflatable colon.