It is that time of year again… the fun, the sun, and sunburns. Protect yourself from skin cancer by protecting your skin.
Preventing Cancer throughout a Lifetime
Think you are too old to prevent cancer? Think again….
Colorectal Cancer – Preventable Cancer
Learn more on how to prevent colorectal cancer. Everyone can do their part…
How much do you know about Colorectal Cancer?
Test your knowledge….
World Cancer Day
February is National Cancer Prevention Month. What can you do to prevent cancer?
Six Reasons to Vaccinate for HPV…
It is important to know about preventing cancer. Check it out…
Get the Scoop on HPV
If you could prevent cancer… would you? Learn more about the HPV vaccine and preventing cancer for your children.
HPV and Cervical Cancer Prevention
January is cervical cancer awareness month. With our new year resolutions to be healthy it is also important to go to our routine doctor visits. For women this includes an annual gynecological visit in which a breast exam and pelvic/pap exam is included. Fortunately the pap test has decreased the…
Cervical Cancer 101
The basics on cervical cancer and prevention. Just in time for cervical cancer awareness month.
Balance it Out
Life is all about balance (no matter what you are talking about), but especially when it comes to diet and exercise…