You can lower your risk for cervical cancer by getting screened regularly, starting at age 21.
21 Tips for Traveling With Diabetes
Don’t let good diabetes management go on vacation just because you did.
Coping With Cancer During the Holidays
Sometimes people with cancer and their loved ones feel “out of step” from the rest of the world during the holidays.
Coping with Cancer at the Holidays: 7 Tips from Someone Who Has Been There
Coping with cancer is already hard. Coping with cancer during the holidays can be even more difficult, especially for teens and young adults with cancer, who are excited about developing plans for their future when the unthinkable happens.
What Are the Risk Factors for Lung Cancer?
Research has found several risk factors that may increase your chances of getting lung cancer. Find out the risks here….
This Blog May Inspire You but Motivation Is Another Story
When I was a teenager, about 2 out of 3 kids my age had tried smoking cigarettes and about 1 of 5 kids smoked cigarettes every day. Many of my family members smoked. Most of my friends smoked. I tried smoking.
What Are the Symptoms of Lung Cancer?
Different people have different symptoms for lung cancer. Most people with lung cancer don’t have symptoms until the cancer is advanced.
What Does it Mean to Have Dense Breasts?
When you get the results of your mammogram, you may also be told if your breasts have low or high density. Dr. Temeika Fairley explains what that means and why it’s important.
Breast Cancer in Men
Although it is rare, men can get breast cancer. Learn about symptoms of breast cancer in men and things that may increase your risk.
Meet Cassie
After testing positive for a BRCA1 gene mutation, I had preventive surgeries to remove my breasts and ovaries. Now, I am living my happiest and healthiest life.