Learn what liver cancer is and it’s symptoms.
Prostate Cancer Health Tips
Most prostate cancers found by screening are small and slow growing and may not be fatal. Some men may have a faster growing prostate cancer and will benefit from early treatment.
It’s Time for Real Talk about Prostate Health
Should men get screened for prostate cancer? Each man must decide for himself. That’s why it’s important to talk about screening (testing) with our doctor. While we may be a bit anxious about this conversation, we have to remember that there’s a great deal at stake—our families, our lifestyle and quality of life.
Lorenzo’s Story
Lorenzo scheduled several health tests and exams. A routine blood test showed his prostate specific antigen (PSA) was 7.9—higher than the normal range of 2.0 and 4.0. PSA is a protein made by the prostate gland. His PSA level had been normal until that time. A PSA can be high for many reasons, including having prostate cancer. Hear about Lorenzo’s story here.
Getting ready for back to school? Don’t forget your child’s HPV vaccine.
Human papillomavirus (HPV) is the most common sexually transmitted infection in the United States. Some can be persistent and can progress to cancer in both women and men later in life.
Kidney Cancer Awareness Month
March is Kidney Cancer Awareness Month. Kidney cancer, also known as renal cancer, is frequently treated with surgery to remove all or part of the affected organ. Click to learn about kidney cancer symptoms and prevention.
Cancer Prevention Among Youth
By addressing certain exposures and behaviors among today’s youth, we can reduce their chances of getting cancer in the future. Click here to read more!
National Cancer Prevention Month
February is National Cancer Prevention Month. When it comes to cancer, equity means that everyone has an equal opportunity to prevent it, detect it early, and receive appropriate treatment and follow-up after treatment is completed.
Survivors…Jen’s Story
Early detection helps save lives! Learn how Jen’s pap tests helped detect cervical cancer in its early stages by reading her story.
Jasmine’s Story: Preventing Cervical Cancer
“The routine cervical screenings changed my life,” says Jasmine, after a test found precancerous cells. She shares her story in this video.