Cancer patients and survivors have a higher risk of complications from the flu. CDC can help clear up some of your questions.
Cancer, the Flu, and You
A history of cancer can increase your risk of complications from the flu. Read more about the flu and cancer.
February… Learn More About Heart Disease and the Flu
You may be surprised about the risk of the flu in connection to heart disease or stroke. Check this out to learn more.
Learn more about the Seasonal Flu Vaccine
Key Facts About Seasonal Flu Vaccine.

Got Diabetes? Get Your Flu Vaccine during National Diabetes Awareness Month!
November is National Diabetes Month in the United States, and November 14 is World Diabetes Day. These occasions shine a spotlight on a serious disease that can lead to potentially life-threatening complications such as heart disease, stroke, kidney disease, blindness, and amputation. November also offers people with diabetes an important opportunity to protect themselves against influenza — a respiratory illness commonly known as “the flu” — by getting a flu shot
Flu Vaccination: The Best Way to Protect Yourself and Your Family
Have you gotten you flu vaccine this season? If not, now’s the time. An annual flu vaccination is the best way to prevent the flu as well as flu-related complications that could lead to severe illness, hospitalization, and even death.