What are lung nodules?
A lung nodule is a small mass of dense tissue on the lung. On a chest X-ray or CT scan, it looks like a white spot. Read on to find out more.
What are lung nodules?
A lung nodule is a small mass of dense tissue on the lung. On a chest X-ray or CT scan, it looks like a white spot. Read on to find out more.
Research has found several risk factors that may increase your chances of getting lung cancer. Find out the risks here….
When I was a teenager, about 2 out of 3 kids my age had tried smoking cigarettes and about 1 of 5 kids smoked cigarettes every day. Many of my family members smoked. Most of my friends smoked. I tried smoking.
Different people have different symptoms for lung cancer. Most people with lung cancer don’t have symptoms until the cancer is advanced.
Lung cancer can be caused by risk factors other than smoking cigarettes, pipes, or cigars. Click to read about less common risk factors and symptoms of lung cancer.
When you have been diagnosed with cancer, you are considered a cancer survivor from that moment throughout the rest of your life. Click to read about how to live your best life with lung cancer.
Screening people at high risk for lung cancer can reduce deaths by finding lung cancer at an early stage, when treatment is more effective. Click to read more about how to lower the risk of lung cancer for patients.
Smoking is bad for you and your loved ones. Quitting smoking will benefit you as well as those you care about.
We all know that smoking can cause lung cancer, but what else does tobacco affect? Take a look.
Lung cancer screening can save lives. Join us for a free lung cancer screening event in the Somers Point, NJ area.
Cape Atlantic Coalition for Health is a regional chronic disease prevention coalition funded by the New Jersey Department of Health, Office of Cancer Control and Prevention. Our purpose is to reduce the state's cancer burden and improve health outcomes for people with, or at risk for, cancer and other chronic diseases in Atlantic and Cape may counties. For more information on comprehensive cancer control, visit www.njcancer.gov. Shore Medical Center is the lead agency for Atlantic and Cape May counties. The CACH is working on a variety of projects to improve our community's health. You can help by becoming involved by being a member or volunteer. Anyone interested should call 609-653-3923.
c/o Shore Medical Center, Cancer Center
100 Medical Center Way
Somers Point, NJ 08244
Phone: 609-653-3923