Every three years, Shore Medical Center conducts a public survey to obtain information on community resources and needs. This survey will assist us in collaborating to solve the most pressing needs and measure healthcare access. Thank you in advance for taking the time to complete this survey!
Is It Beneficial to Spend Time Outside?
Low vitamin D levels can be caused by little or no sun exposure, but too much UV radiation from the sun or artificial sources can raise the risk of skin cancer and eye problems. Read the full article to learn more.
June is National Cancer Survivor Month
The first Sunday in June is National Cancer Survivors Day, which is part of National Cancer Survivors Month. This year’s National Cancer Survivors Day is June 8. Both events are intended to honor life and to reassure people who are still fighting cancer, as well as their families, that survival is possible.
Heart Age Among Cancer Survivors
Cancer survivors may have a higher risk of heart disease than people who have never had cancer. Cancer survivors can take steps to lower their risk of heart disease. Click to learn more.
May is Skin Cancer Awareness Month
One of the most preventable types of cancer is skin cancer. Skin Cancer Awareness Month is an opportunity for us to raise awareness about the dangers of skin cancer, share facts, and save lives.
World Ovarian Cancer Day
The 8th of May is World Ovarian Cancer Day, a day when people all around the world unite to combat ovarian cancer.
Sun Safety Poster Contest!
The goal of the sun safety poster contest is to raise awareness among young people about the importance of sun protection and how to avoid skin cancer. This poster contest also provides children with a fun exercise in which they may express their creativity and ideas.
Survivors… Mark’s Story
Tobacco usage is linked to a variety of cancers. Learn about Mark’s experience with rectal cancer as a result of years of smoking cigarettes.
April is Head and Neck Cancer Awareness Month
Here is some information about where head and neck cancers begin, symptoms, causes, and strategies to lower cancer risk in honor of head and neck cancer awareness month.
Can We Talk?
Big tobacco companies target our children for their future customers. Stop them today by learning how to talk to your children about the dangers of tobacco and vaping.