You can find a little of everything about cancer. Whether you are preventing cancer or surviving cancer there is something for you.
Negative Health Effects of Secondhand Smoke
Smoking is bad for you and your loved ones. Quitting smoking will benefit you as well as those you care about.
Survivors of Cervical Cancer
Cervical cancer survivors of various races and ages share their personal tales. For more details on their experiences, click on any of their photos.
The HPV Vaccine and Cervical Cancer
Cervical cancer awareness month is commemorated in January. Cervical cancer screening, which should begin at the age of 21, is the most effective technique to detect abnormalities in a woman’s body that could lead to cervical cancer. Learn about the common questions that are asked regarding the HPV vaccination and cervical cancer.
Maintaining Good Health During the Holidays
Make your health and safety a priority this Christmas season. Take precautions to keep yourself and your loved ones safe and healthy throughout the holidays.
Survivors… Infection Prevention
A person is considered to be a cancer survivor from the time of diagnosis until the end of life. Learn how to prevent infections during cancer treatment, and other ways to stay healthy.
World AIDS Awareness Month
World AIDS Day is an opportunity for people worldwide to unite in the fight against HIV. If you have an STD, you are more likely to get HIV or transmit it to others. Click to learn more.
Tobacco’s Effect on the Body.
We all know that smoking can cause lung cancer, but what else does tobacco affect? Take a look.
National Family Health History Day
Holidays can be a great time to spend with family, but it is also and opportunity to talk about important health history.
Survivors…. And Tobacco
Tobacco use is a high risk activity that can affect quality of life and survival for people with cancer. Learn more about the importance of talking to loved ones about quitting smoking.