Smoker…. Lung Cancer Screenings… Cancer Survivor? Take a look at these events to see what is right for you.
Survivors…. Cancer Survivorship Care Plans
What is a survivorship care plan? When should you get one? What does it include? Learn more…
Colorectal Cancer and Family History
Has anyone in your family had colorectal cancer? Does colorectal cancer run in your family? Learn more about screening recommendations for colorectal cancer when family members have had colorectal cancer.
Survivorship…. More Workshops…
Are you a cancer survivor? Caregiver? Check out the survivorship activities we have available to assist transitions, as well as topics you may like to explore more.
Colorectal Cancer Risk… Get Screened
Screening recommendations for colorectal cancer have been changed to 45 and over for people with average risk, but COVID has delayed many colorectal cancer screenings. If you are 45 and over talk to your doctor about colorectal cancer screening.
February… Learn More About Heart Disease and the Flu
You may be surprised about the risk of the flu in connection to heart disease or stroke. Check this out to learn more.
Six Reasons To Get an HPV Vaccine for Your Child
Simple and to the point…. pardon the pun.
Survivorship… Upcoming Workshops
A variety of survivorship events are coming up…. beginning 2/18/21. Be sure to join us as we focus on cancer survivorship and the issues survivors face. Caregivers are also welcome.
January: Cervical Cancer Awareness Month
There are two reasons to think about cervical cancer screening… it is cervical cancer awareness month and it is a new year. Right now many people are behind on their general health checkups due to COVID. Make your annual screenings a priority.
HPV & Cancer Prevention Workshop
HPV is the cause of many cancers… but we can prevent it. Join us to learn more about preventing HPV and cancer.