It is important to know what stress looks like and where to go for help if you need it. The holiday season can be stressful enough, but add a pandemic and stress can dramatically increase. Be aware and take care.
Holiday Celebrations… during COVID
COVID has made everything out of the ordinary. Holidays this year will no doubt be different. Be sure to be aware of what you need to know.
Survivors… Taking Care
The holiday season is fast approach, but this year is an especially difficult and complicated year. Be sure to take care of yourself no matter what role you have…. cancer patient, survivor, and/or caregiver.
Survivors… Living with Lung Cancer
November is lung cancer awareness month so it is fitting that this month’s survivors post has to do with living with lung cancer.
Lung Cancer Screening
Smoked? Over 55? See if you are appropriate for lung cancer screening.
National Family History Day
Did you know that Thanksgiving Day is also National Family Health History Day? Share more than just good times… share health knowledge as well.
Survivors… Improving Health
Make staying active and healthy the key to feeling good after cancer. Check out this month’s post on healthy lifestyles.
Great October Happenings
So many great events… many being virtual. Join us as we learn more about cancer screenings and cancer prevention!
Annual Mammograms… the Best Protection
Annual mammograms are important screenings for women over 40. Make sure it is part of your regular health routine.
Gynecologic Cancer Awareness Month
September is gynecological cancer awareness month. Learn more about your risk.