Before you experience symptoms, a screening involves examining your body for cancer. Regular screenings can detect breast, cervical, and colorectal (colon) cancers early, when treatment is most likely to be successful.
Is It Beneficial to Spend Time Outside?
Low vitamin D levels can be caused by little or no sun exposure, but too much UV radiation from the sun or artificial sources can raise the risk of skin cancer and eye problems. Read the full article to learn more.
June is National Cancer Survivor Month
The first Sunday in June is National Cancer Survivors Day, which is part of National Cancer Survivors Month. This year’s National Cancer Survivors Day is June 8. Both events are intended to honor life and to reassure people who are still fighting cancer, as well as their families, that survival is possible.
Survivors… Mark’s Story
Tobacco usage is linked to a variety of cancers. Learn about Mark’s experience with rectal cancer as a result of years of smoking cigarettes.
April is Head and Neck Cancer Awareness Month
Here is some information about where head and neck cancers begin, symptoms, causes, and strategies to lower cancer risk in honor of head and neck cancer awareness month.
Cancer Thriving and Surviving… Begins March 16th
Free Virtual 6-Week Workshop for People with Cancer and their Caregivers Begins March 16
February is National Cancer Awareness Month
National Cancer Awareness Month is a great month to talk about cancer prevention and cancer risk. Check it out!
Learn More About Cancer
You can find a little of everything about cancer. Whether you are preventing cancer or surviving cancer there is something for you.
Negative Health Effects of Secondhand Smoke
Smoking is bad for you and your loved ones. Quitting smoking will benefit you as well as those you care about.
Survivors… Infection Prevention
A person is considered to be a cancer survivor from the time of diagnosis until the end of life. Learn how to prevent infections during cancer treatment, and other ways to stay healthy.