Learn more about vaccines your child needs at age 11 to 12…. especially the HPV vaccine that prevents cancer.
HPV Vaccine Safety
Not sure about the HPV vaccine… check out these FAQs and learn more.
Six Reasons To Get an HPV Vaccine for Your Child
Simple and to the point…. pardon the pun.
Prevent Cancer – HPV Vaccines
As children get ready to go back to school being up to date with checkups and vaccines are a priority. Make the HPV vaccine one too and prevent cancer in children.
Parents… Get Your Kids Vaccinated for HPV
Have you heard about HPV? Have you heard you can prevent cancer? Check it out!
HPV… Know More…
Learn more about HPV. What is it? How can you prevent it? And what cancers are caused by HPV? Preventing HPV is preventing cancer…
Six Reasons to Vaccinate for HPV…
It is important to know about preventing cancer. Check it out…
Get the Scoop on HPV
If you could prevent cancer… would you? Learn more about the HPV vaccine and preventing cancer for your children.
HPV and Cervical Cancer Prevention
January is cervical cancer awareness month. With our new year resolutions to be healthy it is also important to go to our routine doctor visits. For women this includes an annual gynecological visit in which a breast exam and pelvic/pap exam is included. Fortunately the pap test has decreased the…
Cervical Cancer 101
The basics on cervical cancer and prevention. Just in time for cervical cancer awareness month.